Special Areas

Preschool - Grade 8

We are so blessed at St. Edward to have so many opportunities for students to engage in fun activities through our Special Area classes. Students can be creative in Art, build robots in STEM, learn about cultural differences in Spanish class or singing along in Music. Book checkout with our mobile library is always a great time to pick up a new book or an old favorite and students love to run around, jump and play in PE.

All of our special area classes are provided for every grade level at St. Edward, including our 3 year old and 4 year old programs. Special Area teachers work very hard in their specialties and they teach all the students in the school, so you may also find them as a mentor, confirmation sponsor, or just a favorite teacher.

Music - Ms. Beth Olliges

Spanish - Senora Moreno

STEM - Ms. Jennifer Giangarra

Art and Humanities - Ms. Kelly Doyle

PE - Mr. James Moran

Library - Mr. James Moran